Sunday 9 January 2011

Set, Vblogs and Times

Ok, So last Thursday me and the group done our first video blog. As well as having quite a bit of fun, we managed to write down a script for our OTS, and just discuss ALOT of general ideas relating to our project.
The video is currently in the process of being edited down (We managed to record around 1 hour of footage!) by Matt, and he should post it up soon.

We have also decided to change our setting to the Beehive pub, instead of Paolos restaurant, the main reasons being we managed to talk to the owner easily, he said there would be no problem, and it is fairly local to all our crew, more info can be found on Lee's Blog. We also intend to start filming in about a week, we have yet to sort out a date, but that shall be done very soon.

I've also done a rough edit of the soundtrack we can possible use, as of yet, I have no way to record or upload it, But I intend to show it too Matt and Lee, to see what they think.

1 comment:

  1. Your set and such sounds like it will look good, maybe upload a few shots of the inside of the pub and what you want it to look like? It might give you a clearer idea of angles and shots you would like to use if you photograph first.
