Wednesday 12 January 2011

Finally, a Demo!

Ok, so I've finally managed to record a semi decent quality version of the soundtrack for our OTS.
It starts out with my original piece, which I think is quite atmospheric and slick, very fitting for the mood we want our OTS to induce, the second piece (the heavier part) is a song by Autumn titled "Liquid under Film Noir" which I told Matt and Lee to listen to, and they agreed it would be perfect for when the gun is fired, and the animation kicks in.

I have uploaded the song to Soundcloud, a pretty new music streaming website, and I produced the song in the Audacity program, I understand I will have to look into Copyright laws in order to use Autumn's song, and I shall do a further post about that.

Note; I still need feedback from Matt and Lee about this, hopefully, they will like it...

1 comment:

  1. I do like it! however I hope you take me and Matt's critisms into work because I think it'd be the perfect piece if you did! As for the copyright, I think we're able to use the music as long as it is not more than 20 seconds, which it isn't.
